Termite Control Marlboro Township
We will inspect your home for free. If services are needed to rid your home of a termite problem, we will offer personalized solutions to alleviate your home in the most effective way possible. Facts on Termites: Termites are often called the âsilent destroyerâ due to the fact that they may be secretly hiding and thriving in your basement or backyard with no instant signs of damage. While each termite species grows in different climates, all termites require 4 things to endureâ food, moisture, shelter and optimum temperature. Unfortunately, all houses, despite their building type, can offer these ideal conditions for termite problem. They feed upon dead plants and trees along with dead parts of living trees, consisting of wood and wood in the soil. Termites are natureâs wood and cellulose recyclers. This ability is exactly what causes issues in human dwellings: while termites just measure roughly one centimeter in length, their feeding habits can cause expensive damage to homes. Home foundations, furniture, racks, books, carpets and insulation are all possible feeding sites for termites. Subterranean termite colonies are typically found in soil. Termites build sophisticated tunnel systems and mud tunnels from the soil through which they access above ground food sources.